Thursday, 7 August 2014

Book Review: The Second Empress

My Verdict - 3.5/5

This book is good for people who are fascinated by history. Being one of them, I liked the book. Michelle Moran has presented last few years of Naoplean's reign from the perspectives of three protagonists - Marie Louise (Second Empress), Pauline (Napolean's Sister) and Paul (Pauline's lover). The book could not focus much on Marie Lousie as the title says but on Napolean's character and his fall. Pauline's character is scandalous and very well depicted. Paul seemed to be a silent spectator. Author could have given more details of the time when Marie Lousie was made Emperor of France for 4 years and how well she handled the regency. Its interesting to read the letters included in book which have been declared original by author in the epilogue. In spite of being narrated by three different characters, the story did not create any confusion, instead made the intentions clearer. It made me more curious about the Napoloean and his family's history.

This review can also be found on GoodReads over here.