Tuesday 7 May 2013

Catcher in The Rye

Book Review - The Catcher in the rye

The Catcher in the rye - J. D. Salinger

Its the story of a boy who is in his late teens and has got an ax from his school as he has flunked the exams. The story is spread over two days that he spends after getting expelled from the school, how he ends up swearing at and detesting everyone he meets. Holden Caufield, the boy, is an eccentric fellow. He is a misanthrope and that too a very critical one. He can practically hate anyone for anything. He is deeply introspective and hates phonies and pompous bastards.
                           As such there is nothing special about the story as a whole. There is no story in the first place. But whatever petty incidents are written have indeed been described hilariously and at a very crazy angle. Each incident hasbeen explained in every glorious detail. Swear words have been used very generously in ths book and I bet you'll end up adding a lot of new slangs and swear words in your vocabulary after reading this one.

Its a good read for teenagers and introverts (i.e. if you can ever get to know you are one). Apart from it, I don't think many can enjoy this sort of book for too long. Th best part is that its just 192 pages long and you don't have to think about the end and all.

Rating: 6.8/10
Genre: Fiction

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