Tuesday 7 May 2013

The Black Swan

Book Review: The Black Swan

The Black Swan - Nassim Nocholas Taleb
The book by Nassim Nicholas Taleb is about the occurances of rare yet high-impact events. He says that some events are rare and are least expected to happen at a particular juncture.One such event when occurs and have an high impact on the contemporary beliefs, to a level that it shatters all the beliefs and theories, is called a "Black Swan". Unexpected, High Impact event. He says that the frequency of such events is high in the present world scenario and further he says that although we could never predict the occurance of such events yet we offer a plausible description of the causes of occurance of event.

His views are biased at some points and pre-obsessed with the idea of randomness to an extent that he neglected even the primary and basic laws of nature. His views are strong and rigid. However, most of what he said, i agree to.

In the book the author challenges the most-well-established facts or theories and also teaches the reader to challenge any theory or belief one comes across. The thoughts presented here are raw and also not in an organized manner as the author has digressed abundently on many occations. But he has been able to keep me involved in the book throughout.

I found his views as conflicting with each-other at one point he said that a Black Swan event can't be positive or negative within itself; it depends on the perception of the discerner. However in the very next page he said that the positive Black swan happens (occurs) slowly while negative one happens fast. But here he failed to explain the exact definition of positive and negative black swan.

Apart from a few rare unworthy-of-mention mistakes I found the book full of beautiful insights into the dynamism of our world. The trail-blazing views were thought provoking and were a true delight for me. Flambouyant and confidently-aggresive narration. This book should be read by everyone irrespective of one's profession or interests.

I found this book very interesting, to say the least, and also it helped me shape my thoughts (if I may say).

Rating 8.5/10
Genre : Non-fiction

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